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Middle East, USA, Middle East Policy.


This article follows the United States in the Middle East, especially after the end of the Cold War. Aims to examine its role. US administration with the end of the Cold War In order to create a new order in the Middle East, he developed a new strategy and it is based on three key elements: Arab-Israeli peace, double siege and political and economic reform. When these strategies ended one after another in the late 1990s, in 2001, he was put in power by changing Clinton's failed Middle East policy 2001. George W. Bush tried to establish a new policy in the Middle East with the claim of rebuilding the weakened leadership of the United States. Basically with the influence of neo-conservatives From the policy of containment created within the framework of as military power and moral openness “The US policy, which shifted to the pre-emptive war strategy, has failed, especially as the Iraq War has shown, and weakened the US role in the region. This article is final and the expectations of the Barack Obama administration and discuss possible developments.


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How to Cite

MD. SAIFULLAH. (2014). MIDDLE EAST AND USA: ENTERING A NEW PERIOD. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 1(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.46291/IJOSPERvol1iss1pp1-10


