Patıent Satısfactıon, Doctors’ Care, Bangladesh, Government Hospıtal.Abstract
Patient satisfaction with health care services is viewed as an important factor in explaining patients’ perceptions of quality health care. It is becoming increasingly important for determining the success of health care service and institutional survival, let alone prosperity. Although research on patient satisfaction regarding health care has become standard in many developed or developing country, in countries such as Bangladesh the importance of patient’s perspectives in assessing quality of health care is still relatively ignored. The aim of the present study is to assess patient satisfaction with doctors’ services at a government hospital in Bangladesh. Suitable Patients’ Satisfaction Indicators (PSI) in relation to doctors’ services within the hospital were developed from the existing literature related with quality studies. A survey was carried out and 104 responses were collected from the inpatients receiving medical treatment for gynaecology and obstetrics, and respiratory diseases at a divisional government medical college hospital in Bangladesh. The principal component analysis was performed to identify the key items affecting patient satisfaction levels with respect to doctors’ services. The result of the principal component analysis shows that there is a single factor (‘Doctors listen carefully to patients’ problems’) in the initial solution has eigenvalues greater than 1. It is accounted for almost 61% of the variability in the original variables.
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