What are Economic, Psychological and Social Consequences of the Covid-19 Crisis on Tourism Employees?
Tourism employment, tourism workforce, impacts of Covid-19, pandemic, government incentivesAbstract
This paper purposes to investigate the economic, psychological and social effects of the Covid-19 crisis on tourism employees in Turkey. The exploratory research approach was adopted and an online interview, one of the qualitative research methods, was used for data collection. This paper presents valuable evidence to contribute to the literature by emphasizing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism employees. Tourism employees, who are the core of tourism employment, have been severely affected economically, psychologically and socially during the pandemic process. They were economically subjected to “short-term working allowance” and “severe income loss” and faced the “fear” of losing their jobs and their loved ones psychologically. Furthermore, it has been stated that they have a really “boring” social life during the pandemic. These effects have been sought to strengthen with government incentives such as “unemployment benefit, short-term working allowance, unemployment benefit for suspended personnel, credit support, pandemic social support application, Covid-19 staff training, the supply of personal protective equipment and hygienic working environment”. The Covid-19 is an unprecedented and ongoing crisis for the global tourism industry. This paper serves as a prelude to a broader field of tourism employees during the pandemic and offers theoretical and practical insight for future crises and tourism employees.
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