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  • MD. KHURSHED ALAM Deputy Program Manager of Research and Policy Division, Transparency International Bangladesh.



Academic Dishonesty, Academic Integrity, Bangladesh, Cheating.


This article focuses on academic dishonesty among the students of a public university of Bangladesh. The objective of this research is to explore the frequency, reasons, and perceptions about academic dishonesty. Both qualitative and quantitative tools are applied for data collection. For questionnaire survey sample size is 63. Respondents are current students and selected based on random sampling method. Key informant interviews and In-depth interviews are used for qualitative data collection. Findings reveal that during examinations unauthorized facilitation is the most frequent. In assignments copy and paste from internet sources, use others’ works without citation, and reproduce from others’ assignments are frequent. In group presentations absence of group work is frequent. The acts, students do frequently, are perceived as less severe dishonesty. Lack of preparation is the main cause of dishonesty among the students. Moral development, be regular and attentive in study, take preparation properly are the expected roles from the students to stop academic dishonesty. Responsibility and pro-activity, counseling and motivation, ensure proper environment in the examination hall, ensure punishment, and ensure equal justice are the expected roles from teachers. Proper dissemination of university rules, participatory teaching method, creative questioning, action and fieldwork based assignments, course on ethics in education, and development of teacher-teacher collaboration are suggested by the faculty members to control academic dishonesty. Finally, a complete ‘Code of Academic Integrity’ is suggested to control academic dishonesty.


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How to Cite

MD. KHURSHED ALAM. (2016). ACADEMIC DISHONESTY OF THE STUDENTS: A STUDY ON A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY OF BANGLADESH. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 3(1), 47–61.


