Impact of Covid-19 on Work Life: A Study for Public Sector

Keywords: Covid-19, Work-life balance, Work from home, Working LifeAbstract
Since Covid-19 started in December 2019, it was that the general perception epidemic would remain regional only in China and its effects would be limited. However, later the epidemic spread to the whole world due to enhancing and facilitated mobilization and increased its effect. The fact that public authorities demanded citizens to comply with social distance and stay at home afterwards - even though there are extreme examples in many countries, have had reflections in many areas. Turkey among the countries affected by the COVID-19 is located in the front row. Immediately after the start of the pandemic in Turkey, it has been raised a number of measures.
In this study, it was aimed to determine the changes in the working life of public personnel during the Covid-19 process, work / family / social life balance, advantages and disadvantages of working from home, efficiency in public services and expectations of public employees from institutions. The study group consists of 17 public personnel working in the central organizations of public institutions determined by purposeful sampling method and reporting to at least one manager.
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