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Pre-Cost, City Hospital, Opacity and Transparency, Facade Configuration.Abstract
Thanks to the opportunities brought by technology, new application techniques, new materials and construction systems are being developed; the building element most affected by these developments is the façade, which is an integral part of the exterior form of the building. Building facades, which have made differences in their design thanks to the inventions in the fields of architecture and engineering, and which have functions such as covering, shell and filter in their past use, now offer solutions suitable for the quality of the design. The design criteria and application parameters of the facades, which form the first impression of the building in people, differ mainly according to the function of the building to which it will be applied. In this study, city hospitals and facade applications, which are places with high construction areas and high circulation, constitute the research focus. In this context, facade designs and facade materials used in city hospitals, which are on the agenda in Turkey, were investigated by using data collection and tracing methods from qualitative research methods. In the first place, it should be conveyed that the facade design is shaped according to the preferences of the designer, in line with the fact that the Ministry of Health does not publish a directive on the design of the facade. However, for the facade decisions that provide the appropriate physical environment and affect the comfort level, the stage that is effective in terms of both the initial investment and the costs in the usage phase is the design phase. Based on this information, the materials used in the design of city hospitals and the extent to which the transparent and opaque surfaces created affect the cost were investigated. City hospitals with different facade materials and ratios in terrestrial climate conditions were examined, and the percentage of facades with the optimal result was determined. While the most appropriate result was obtained in Eskişehir City Hospital with 24% transparent and 76% opacity in outpatient clinic blocks, the most appropriate result was seen in Bilkent City Hospital with 44% transparent and 56% opaque in bed blocks. As a result of the research, it was seen that the cost of the facade increased as a result of the increase in the amount of glass surface and it was concluded that there was a linear proportion between them. In this way, it is aimed to obtain a cost-effective design and to prevent problems that may occur later on by the employer and the designer.
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URL-1:, Son Erişim Tarihi: 23.04.2021.
Yapım İşleri Uygulama Yönetmeliği, Resmî Gazete Tarihi: 04.03.2009 Resmî Gazete Sayısı: 27159 Mükerrer
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