Glimpse on the Second wave of COVID-19: A Situational Analysis of Bangladesh

COVID 19, Lockdown, Quarantine, Isolation, PCR, and social distancing.Abstract
The fatal COVID-19 has engulfed 220 countries globally. Up to 26 May 2021, 7,93,693 confirmed cases and 12458 deaths were reported in Bangladesh, whereas globally it counted 16,74,92,769 cases and 34,82,907 deaths. The beleaguered healthcare system has conducted 58,71,353PCR tests since 8 March 2020 and ranked Bangladesh as 33rd position in world. This paper sketched out overall scenario as a narrative including the impact on health system, economics and response from government to tackle the pandemic. It gathered secondary data from sources including journals, newspapers, and government info site to retrieve current information. Although the government took measures such as lockdown, social distancing, quarantine, and isolation from initial stage, misconceptions on vaccination, personal health hygiene, and lack of public responses are retributive to the robust COVID-19 surge. To mitigate the lethal impact of COVID-19, the government needs to expand its vaccination programs and improve health care system.
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