Refund Methods and Diagnosis-Related Groups Made to Health Institutions in Turkey

Reimbursement Methods, Diagnosis-Related Groups, Healthcare, Health InstitutionsAbstract
There are many difficulties in applying repayment methods. Reimbursement methods made to healthcare service providers determine an important quality in the provision of health services. The types of reimbursement methods made significantly affect the care services that patients should receive and the expenditures made. Repayment methods, the use of quality services that are tried to be put forward with the scarce resources available, act as a bridge between service providers and paying institutions. Because of this benefit, the use of Diagnosis-Related Groups and other payment methods, which are tried to be widespread, in health institutions, is tried to be made effective. In particular, the study focuses on the reimbursement methods made to health institutions in Turkey. In addition, the formation of Diagnosis-Related Groups in Turkey and the reimbursement methods based on Diagnosis-Related Groups in Turkey were mentioned. At the end of the study, it was seen how the repayments attempted to be made affect the distribution of financial resources among health institutions and how important it’s in dealing with the payment methods of Diagnosis-Related Groups was obtained. It’s thought that the study carried out will fill the gap in the literature and lead the future researches.
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