Agricultural Land Conversion, Poverty and Adaptation Failure of Peasants in Industrial Transition in Rice Center Areas-Indonesia

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  • Af Sigit Rochadi Department of Sociology, Universitas Nasional, Pasar Minggu South Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Ichmi Yani Arinda Rohmah Department of Sociology, Universitas Nasional, Pasar Minggu South Jakarta, Indonesia Email:
  • Acnestasya Dwi Yulyanti Department of Sociology, Universitas Nasional, Pasar Minggu South Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Dion Harley Hakim Department of Sociology, Universitas Nasional, Pasar Minggu South Jakarta, Indonesia



Adaptation Failure, Agricultural Land Conversion, Global Industry, Industrial Transition, Poverty


This study discusses the conversion of agricultural land in Karawang Regency, West Java, which was known as the national rice granary for almost a century. However, the role of agriculture has decreased drastically since the regency was designated as an industrial area replaced by the secondary sector. This study aims to explain the actions of farmers during and after land conversion in rice-producing areas in the Muslim community, Indonesia. A quantitative method and data analysis with cross-tabulation using google sheets were used. The results showed that the conversion of agricultural land involves capital and political power. Peasants are actively persuaded by accomplices in different ways to give up land. Lack of support and guidance by government officials and investors, causes land conversion to take place less transparently and it is detrimental to farmers. About 30 percent are getting poorer and failing to adapt in the process of transition to an industrial society. Around 28 percent become temporary workers or disguised unemployment. Therefore, a transparent conversion process, fair compensation, as well as effective and targeted government with business strategies are needed to prevent farmers from falling into poverty. Land conversion only fosters potential conflicts that can turn into riots at any time without such strategies.


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How to Cite

Rochadi, A. S., Rohmah, I. Y. A., Yulyanti, A. D. ., & Hakim, D. H. (2022). Agricultural Land Conversion, Poverty and Adaptation Failure of Peasants in Industrial Transition in Rice Center Areas-Indonesia. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 9(1), 67–79.


