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  • DR. MD. SULTAN MAHMUD Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh.



Legislature, Good Governance, Effectiveness and Eighth Parliament.


The research focus on how the legislature functions as a representative organ with its oversight mechanisms exercised upon the executive during 2001-2006 in Bangladesh. The study finds that 185 bills were passed among which 78% of the total bills were enacted without proper scrutiny in the eighth parliament. This study has illustrated that 166 of the total bills were passed escaping the committee stage. It is also found that the eighth parliament made no fruitful effort of establishing parliamentary norms, culture and legislative compromise. The conflict of opinion between the treasury and opposition bench made it impossible to turn the ground into an effective institution to bridge their gap and to settle policy differences on crucial national issues by debate, discussion and negotiations.  The research shows that the constant walkout and boycott of the parliamentary opposition helped the ruling bench to exert discretion. It is located that the opposition boycotted 223 out of the 373 working days. That means 60% working days of the 8th parliament were totally boycotted by the parliament.  Finally, the research explores some dysfunctionalities and ineffectiveness of the 8th parliament which are the barriers of good governance in Bangladesh.


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How to Cite

DR. MD. SULTAN MAHMUD. (2019). AN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEGISLATURE IN BANGLADESH (2001-2006): A QUEST FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 6(1), 1–22.


