Political Attitudes of Rural People towards the Political System of Bangladesh: A Study on Rajshahi District

Perceptions, Attitudes, Politics, BangladeshAbstract
Without assessing the attitudes of rural people, it is quite impossible to evaluate the existing politics of a country. An attempt is made in this study to explore the perceptions and attitudes of the rural people over the existing politics of Bangladesh. The research has been conducted in some selected villages of Rajshahi district of Bangladesh. A convenient sample of 225 respondents was collected from some selected villages with equal representation of both and a well-structured questionnaire was administered using a face-to-face data collection technique. Respondents have been taken from various categories i.e. age, profession, educational qualification. Random sampling method has been used to select the respondents of this research. In this research, it is found that there are many conscious people in rural area who admit that the existing politics of Bangladesh has been suffering from remarkable shortcomings. It is recommended in the study that the attitude of political parties should be improved so that the political environment of Bangladesh can be more participatory, positive and constructive.
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