Re-reading of Society and Culture in the Context of Administrative System in 19th Century British Bengal: A Review

Society, Administration, Education, Culture, RenaissancesAbstract
There have been revolutionary changes in the arts, literature and culture of Bengal during the post-Polasshey battle period. As the British interfered with the rule and government system, the then Muslims left no stone unturned to protect the so-called religious values cherished by Muslims. During this time the British brought about a lot of administrative reformation by passing and enacting newer laws in order to ensure their power long lasting. Although the British started ruling the Bengal with the purpose of trade and commerce at the beginning, later on they started ruling for political gains. They formulated laws that were suited to the existing society and culture and so the influence of newer forms of culture increased gradually. Although the local Muslims rejected the arts, education and culture of the British merchants, the Hindu community soon accepted them and became successful in attaining the satisfaction and favourism of the British. Thus, the Hindus solely succeeded in playing a great role in influencing the administration. After a further deterioration of the Muslims in the administrative role in the 19th century, the Muslim leaders realized the situation and they took some timely decisions. As a result, an introduction to Muslim renaissance started along with the changes of their previous negligence. By that time, the youths of the Hindu community, patronized by the British merchants and ruling community, have gained sole control in most of the social indexes including trade and commerce, education and job sectors. During this period, there arose a complicated proximity in the relationship between the Hindus and the Muslims and a result, a great change went through the socio-cultural aspects. The Muslims participated in some minor to significant rebellious movements against the British to get rid of the antagonistic/contradictory behavior, discrimination and exploitation of the British. These movements, although were not completely successful outwardly, paved the way for preparing a strong foundation of nationalistic movements later on. Thus, there arose a new context in which the study of language, arts, literature and gaining knowledge got a new dimension which paved the way for a new culture amidst the repudiation of the British elements.
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