Women Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Self Help Groups, Micro Finance, Bangladesh.Abstract
Women’s economic empowerment is an inevitable part of development discourse. Excluding women from the mainstream development program, institutionalization of a sustainable development process is just unthinkable. Bangladesh has great entrepreneurial potential. Entrepreneurships enhance financial independence and self esteem of women. About 83% of enterprises in the sample were established between the years 2000-2007 indicating that young women are gradually becoming interested in business and entrepreneurial activities and women’s visibility in economic sector is increasing. Consequently, under successive Five-Year-Plans, women’s development initiatives have been gradually integrated into the macro framework and multi-sectoral economy to bring women into the mainstream of economic development and encourage potential women entrepreneurs realizing their business plans. Women’s contribution to household income and family welfare, increasing women’s participation in household decisions about expenditure and other issues leading to greater expenditure on women’s welfare. The purpose of this paper is to show empowerment of women through SHGs.
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