Economic Challenges of Rohingya Peoples: A study on Displacement (Rohingya) Peoples on Myanmar in Cox’s Bazar

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  • Sajjad Hosen Finance Officer, Food for the Hungry, Cox’s Bazar-4700. Email:
  • Golam Shahria Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration, BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong. Email:



Rohingya peoples, economic challenges, earning method.


Massive influx of Rohingya peoples into Bangladesh, fleeing a campaign of terror by the Myanmar military has had a profound impact on the communities of Cox’s Bazar. Some positive impacts include improvements in the provision of social services, increasing labor workforce, job placement of host community, growth in the number of small businesses and new livelihood opportunities. Though the Bangladesh Government & INGO is fulfilling all its humanitarian commitments, such as providing temporary shelter, foods and many more but it wants to begin repatriation as soon. However, there is a little probability that the refugees will be able to return to Myanmar in the short term due to political instability, security concerns and lack of interest by the Myanmar government in negotiating a deal. The research tries to find out what types of steps are useful if they are staying a long time in Bangladesh. The researcher found that Rohingya peoples want to work as a day laborer in the camp area, they want to start commerce in the camp for removing unemployment and agree that cooking is a source of earning. Highest average mean is 4.5690 express that most of the Rohingya peoples want education for seeking more opportunities.


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How to Cite

Hosen, S., & Shahria, G. (2020). Economic Challenges of Rohingya Peoples: A study on Displacement (Rohingya) Peoples on Myanmar in Cox’s Bazar. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(3), 415–436.


