Challenges of Project Logistics in Turkey

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  • Ali Erhan Zalluhoğlu Ege Üniversitesi İİBF
  • Burcu Aracıoğlu Ege University, Faculty of Business and Administrative Sciences.
  • Gizem Erden Kınay Logistics Sales Representative,



Project logistics, non-standardized loads, Project cargo.


Containerization in logistics enables the products to be transported quickly within the standard conditions; however, heavy cargoes with non-standard size are still a big problem in shipment processes. This problem examines within the scope of project logistics. Project logistics are defined as the realization of the transportation of non-standard bulky and heavy materials, which cannot be transported by the standard container, in specific time period and without any damage.

According to objectives of 2023, Turkey Government has committed to improve logistics infrastructure, regulations and operations in parallel with global business supply chain. Project logistics are high value-added operations in logistic sector, due to one-time logistics operation with its unique tools and methods. Turkey’ geographic advantages could be used to foster project logistics, but they are affected from external environmental factors and facing many problems as other countries. In this study, the challenges facing companies during their project logistics operations will be analyzed. In-depth interviews will be conducted with company’ executives whom are operating on project logistics in Turkey. According to field study, the main problems of project logistics operations are subtitled as physical infrastructure, legal regulations, education and economic problems. Also, in order for the sector to work effectively, main four problems must be eliminated and state-private sector coordination must be ensured.


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How to Cite

Zalluhoğlu, A. E., Burcu Aracıoğlu, & Gizem Erden. (2020). Challenges of Project Logistics in Turkey. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(2), 142–152.


