Judicial Proceeding, Conventional Law, Islamic Law.Abstract
Proper administration of justice ensures the rule of law in the society through the court process involved the vital role of the witness to testify. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure the fairness of the witness free from all sorts of fear and feeling of telling the truth of the case and free from all kinds of biasness as the fruitful conclusion of the case sometimes entirely depends on the witness’s statement. In the article, it is strived for showing and explaining the position of witness in the judicial process, their categories and above all the process they are testified through different processes, stages and examinations with the limitations thereof and the court’s powers and duties to that respect under the conventional and islamic law. It also aims and intends to enumerate the significance of the statement given by the witness which pave the way for ends of justice.
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Balashri Das Sutrdhar 13 DLR 289 (1962)
Bashir Ahmed vs State, PLD 1957 Lah, 841
Emperor vs Haria Dhobi, AIR 1937 Pat. 662; 172 IC 780
Fazlul Haq Sikder vs State 1 BLC 173
Gadu Mia vs The State 44 DLR 246
Gupta. K.K Singh, The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (Lucknow :1967, 2nd Edition, Eastern Book Company), p. 117
Hakim Khan vs. State, PLD 1958 Pesh. 33
Ibn Abi Dam, Al-Qadi Shahabuddin Abi Ishak Ibrahim ‘Abdullah Al-Hamdani Al-Humawi,
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Moshed (Md) @ Morshed @ Md Morshed Alam vs. State 53 DLR 123
Muhammad Afzal PLD 1957 (WP) Lahore 788
Mumtaz Ahmed khan vs State, PLD 1967 SC 326
Phani Bhusan Halder vs. State 27 DLR 254
Quran 3:140.
Quran, 4:15
Quran, 16:91
Quran, 2:282
Quran, 2:282
Quran, 2:283
Quran, 4:135
Quran. 5:42
Quran: 16:75
Quran: 5:106
Quran: 65:2
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Rangu Mia 7 DLR 564
Section 12 of the Oaths Act, 1873; (Act no X of 1873)
Section 120, of the Evidence Act, 1872 ;(Act no. 1 of 1872)
Section 133 of the Evidence Act, 1872 ;(Act no. 1 of 1872)
Section 134 of the Evidence Act, 1872; (Act no 1 of 1872)
Section 138 of the Evidence Act, 1872 ; (Act no 1of 1872)
Section 154 of the Evidence Act, 1872 ;(Act no. 1 of 1872)
Section 158 of the Evidence Act, 1872 ; (Act no 1of 1872)
Section 165 of the Evidence Act, 1872; (Act no 1of 1872)
Section 165 of the Evidence Act, 1872; (Act no 1of 1872)
Section 4 of the Oaths Act, 1873; (Act no X of 1873)
Section 4(m) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 ;(Act no. V of 1898)
Section 48 of the Evidence Act 1872 ;(Act no. 1 of 1872)
Section 60 of the Evidence Act 1872 ;(Act no. 1 of 1872)
Section119 of the Evidence Act, 1872 ; (Act no. 1 of 1872)
Section52 of the Evidence Act, 1872; (Act no 1of 1872)
Shyam Singh vs. Shaiwalini Ghosh, AIR 1947, Calcutta HC
State vs. Ershad Ali Sikder and others 56 DLR 185
Subs. By Act XVIII of 1923, s. 89, for the original section 340 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Code, 1898 (Act no v of 1898)
Suruj Mia 2 DLR 114
Yusuf Sk vs. Appellate Tribunal, 29 DLR (SC) 211.
Zafar Ali vs. State 14DLR (SC) 174; 1962 PLD (SC) 320.