A Conceptual Framework Integration of UTAUT and HBM on Evaluating the Adoption of Electronic Payment System in Malaysia

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  • Ishaq Jaafar Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia, ishaqjaafar212@gmail.com




electronic payment services; health benefit model; intention use; perceived health risk; Intention to use.


Given the ongoing epidemic coupled with low acceptance of electronic payment system, such could affect individual behavior. It is through the identification of this factors that affect individual behavior that aide toward overcoming the present challenges faced in influencing individual participation in electronic payment system. The main aim of this study is to propose a conceptual framework on the term of improving the adoption of electronic payment system. Through the incorporation of grounding theory of unified theory of acceptance model and health benefit model from both quantitative and qualitative studies, we select three influencing variables perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived health risk which affect electronic payment adoption. This paper further explores the impact of identified variables perceived susceptibility, perceived severity the role of perceived health risk as mediator. Finally, this paper finalized a conceptual model after exploring previous studies and propose an empirical investigation for validation in future for researchers and practitioners.


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How to Cite

Jaafar, I. (2020). A Conceptual Framework Integration of UTAUT and HBM on Evaluating the Adoption of Electronic Payment System in Malaysia. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(4), 1164–1176. https://doi.org/10.46291/IJOSPERvol7iss4pp1164-1176


