The Metaphoric Perceptions of Students in Private High Schools About the School Concept and the Views of the Ideal School

School, Student, Metaphor, Ideal School, PerceptionAbstract
One of the most effective ways to understand the structure of that concept is to reveal individuals' mental perceptions through metaphor. The views put forward regarding the metaphorical way of understanding physical and social reality against the concept of school also increased academic interest in this subject. The aim of this study is to determine students' perceptions of schools through metaphorical perception and to identify their views on the ideal school concept. The study consists of 94 students studying at a private high school in 2019 in Antalya. It was carried out with phenomenological pattern of the qualitative research method. Maximum diversity sampling method was used in the study. As a data collection tool, first forms were distributed to students and they were asked to write the metaphor about the school then students were interviewed to take their views on the ideal school. According to the research, while high number of students perceive the school a prison, mental hospital; it was seen that they expressed them with negative concepts such as a closed box, zoo, darkness and slavery, it was observed that the students expressed the school as a home, nursery or family with positive concepts less often. The physical conditions of the ideal school that students dream of are more suitable and useful; lecture programs are lighter; they express it as an effective school in which practical lessons are increased.
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