National-Cultural Connotations of Lexemes

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  • Ayten BEYLEROVA Doç. Dr., Azerbaycan Milli Bilimler Akademisi Nesimi Adına Dilbilimi Enstitüsü, Email:



Turks, national cultural, culture, connotation, linguoculturology.


National identity encompasses such concepts as national thought, culture, language, religion, history, patriotism, nationalism, i.e. the national identity is formed on the basis of the material and spiritual culture of the nation. The two concepts of national identity – language and culture – are closely linked and interdependent. Culture is reflected not only in the traditions, beliefs, notions of society, but also in language and speech. Denotative and connotative aspects are manifested in the sense of linguistic units. Connotative semantics is closely related to language and society, language and thinking, language and culture. Sometimes in different languages certain words have the same meaning, but different shades of emotional and aesthetic meaning and association. This reflects the characteristics of national culture. Thus, the connotation of any word can manifest in different ways depending on the thinking, mentality and culture of the nation’s using this word. For example, the word wolf has different connotations in different languages. The comparison of man with animals is universal, because when man observes the reality that surrounds him, he identifies similarities and differences between himself and some members of the animal world. Wolf means cruel and evil people for the Russian speakers, and for the Turkic peoples a synonym for the highest praise, invincibility, masculinity, fearlessness, freedom, independence and patriotism, the symbol of Turkism – as one of the main totems of the ancient Turks has an positive connotation, but also in the sense of a cunning, experienced person, as a symbol of cruelty, greed and covetousness has a negative connotation. In our opinion, the use of the word “wolf” in our language in a negative connotation may be due to the influence of the Russian language in later times. The zoonym “wolf” is also used in Chechnya in a positive sense, because in Chechnya the character of a wolf enjoys special respect and acts as a national symbolism.


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How to Cite

BEYLEROVA, A. . (2022). National-Cultural Connotations of Lexemes. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 9(1), 153–162.


