An Investigation of The Features of Early Foreign Language Education in Azerbaijan

Keywords: Early Childhood, Features of Early Foreign Language, Language Teaching, Preschool, Language Acquisition, Language Education.Abstract
This article discusses why early foreign language learning is essential. The study also describes the development of preschoolers at all stages. The study touched on how it is necessary to properly organize the process of teaching a foreign language for preschoolers to learn the material faster and easier and how teachers make lessons fun to motivate students. Participants of the study are ten experienced teachers who teach English as a foreign language in Baku (Azerbaijan). Data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with ten English teachers. Observations in the city of Baku have shown that many private preschools have an English education and that this element is the reason for parents’ school preference. In the research, factors such as teachers’ approach to education and methods of making lessons were acquired from interviews through the qualitative content analysis method and examined under different categories. The research found that teaching foreign languages to children at preschool was more effective, and that varied teaching approaches for children had long-term effects on teaching foreign languages.
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