Public Transport in Karachi: A Study of Relationship between Consumer Perception and Use of Private Vehicles

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  • Muhammad Ibad Karachi University Business School, Pakistan.



Public Transport, Karachi, Consumer Perception, Private Vehicles.


The significance of public transport is undeniable which has further increased with the increase in population. With a population of 14.91 million people, public transport available in Karachi is both inadequate and inefficient. The growing number of private cars on road has added to traffic, pollution, and congestion. In order to determine the impact of dissatisfaction towards the quality of public transport on preference towards private vehicles, a survey was distributed among 76 respondents. Evaluation of results partially proved the hypothesis and showed that dissatisfaction towards consistency of transit time, comfortability, and quality are the key determinants of use of private vehicles while dissatisfaction towards fare charges and walking distance to stop was found to have no influence on this preference.



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How to Cite

Muhammad Ibad. (2020). Public Transport in Karachi: A Study of Relationship between Consumer Perception and Use of Private Vehicles. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(1), 36–55.


