Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020)
Adverse Economic Impact by Rohingya Refugees on Bangladesh: Some Way Forwards
Abstract views: 3507 /
PDF downloads: 1963
Musical Analysis, Beauty and Spirituality of Selected Bandishes (Compositions) of Ustad Latafat Hussain Khan
Abstract views: 288 /
PDF downloads: 367
Public Transport in Karachi: A Study of Relationship between Consumer Perception and Use of Private Vehicles
Abstract views: 778 /
PDF downloads: 499
Locating Disparity in Political Culture in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study between Bangali and Rakhine Communities
Abstract views: 620 /
PDF downloads: 312
Practice of Economic Integration of Small and Medium Enterprise in Manufacturing Sector: The case of Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia
Abstract views: 499 /
PDF downloads: 341