Privatization in the World and in Turkey from the Past to the Present

History, Turkey, world, SOEs, PrivatizationAbstract
From ancient Greece to the Renaissance period, up to privatization, which showed the effect on both Britain from Nazi Germany it emerges both in and outside Turkey. In this study the historical process of privatization in the world and in Turkey, the process of privatization, privatization has been mentioned in the domain. The first arrangement made in 1984 on privatization in Turkey, privatization, which began in 1986, the species, in taking the scope of privatization of SOEs No. 233 Decree, and for compatibility with the Constitution on 2018 703 Decree Law No. 85 Amendments to Article It was mentioned that the privatization authority was given to the President. The aims, benefits and disadvantages of privatization have been addressed using the current figures and data. This process was tried to be revealed by making a literature review.
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