Are We Living to Work or Are We Working to Live? Person-Organization Fit and Work-Life Balance, A Qualitative Research

Person-Organization Fit, Work–Life Balance, Production Sector, Fit, BalanceAbstract
Changes in working life require more balance of person-organization fit than ever before for the sustainability of products and services. At this point, it is not enough to provide just this. When faced with the fact that human life does not only consist of working life, it makes the presence of work-life balance intensely felt. In the study, the relationship between person-organization fit and work-life balance is discussed in the sample of employees of a production enterprise operating in İzmir. In the research, a semi-structured interview technique, one of the qualitative research techniques, was used. 8 volunteer employees were interviewed. It is emphasized that in the matter of individual-organization compliance, the organization cannot meet the needs, and there are significant differences between the absence of institutional values and the demand and personal competence created in business processes. At the point of work-life balance, it is concluded that balance cannot be achieved and private life arrangements cannot be made.
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