Analysis of the Effects of Geopolitical Position and Identity in the Transportation of Oil and Natural Gas to International Markets: Azerbaijan-Turkey Relations Example


Geopolitics, Identity, National Identity, Religious Identity, Petroleum, Foreign Policy.Abstract
Geopolitics is an important concept that emphasizes the strategic importance of a state in the geography of countries. Geographical / physical characteristics of countries (climate, vegetation, landforms, underground and aboveground riches, etc.), neighbors and level of relationship, historical / cultural texture (traditional structure, knowledge of civilization, language structure, value structures etc.), many other characteristics such as religious and ethnic characteristics (belief, nation, origin, etc.), economic structure (production and consumption capacity, etc.), transportation facilities (such as sea, port, highway, airline), role in international platforms and military power determine geopolitical importance. can be counted among the factors. The fact that Turkey is a bridge between the two continents in terms of its geography and that it has important ports and Straits opening to international waters makes Turkey an important Center in the region in terms of geopolitics. Moreover, due to Turkey's geographical proximity to oil countries, its having two important Straits such as Istanbul and Çanakkale, and its important ports in the country, the oil in the Caspian Basin can be transferred safely to international markets. Is geopolitics alone a determining factor on a country's foreign politics? Or, besides geopolitics, does national identity and culture have an influence on foreign policy? It is a work created to shed light on their questions.
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