When Desire Outranges the Capability: A Study on the Double-Way Consumption Phenomena among Young Chinese Luxury Consumers

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  • Yiran Jia Shanghai Jiao Tong University




Luxury consumer, Double-way consumption, Theory of planned behavior


Young people are becoming the primary force in luxury goods purchases, with China on the verge of becoming the largest luxury market. However, not all young people have the financial capability to purchase luxury goods, leading to a phenomenon scholars term “double-way consumption.” Economically constrained Gen Z individuals limit their expenditures in other areas to afford luxury items. This study seeks to understand the motivations behind such consumer behavior through the theory of planned behavior (TPB). With rigorous participant selection, data from 385 valid responses are collected. The suitability of the overall model, along with the constructs’ reliability and validity, is confirmed through CFA. Hypotheses are tested using SEM. The study finds that all three factors in TPB positively influence intention, with perceived behavioral control having the most significant impact on purchase motivation. This non-motivational factor, reflecting the constraints of objective conditions, aligns with the study’s focus on the economic restrictions faced by participants when buying luxury goods. Future research should explore this group’s beliefs within the TPB framework. Conducting comparative group studies or using different factors to structure the research are also recommended directions.


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How to Cite

Jia, Y. (2024). When Desire Outranges the Capability: A Study on the Double-Way Consumption Phenomena among Young Chinese Luxury Consumers. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 11(2), 148–164. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12588187


