Prof. Dr. Hasan Kâmil Yılmaz. An Outline of Sufism and Sufi Orders (Ana Hatlarıyla Tasavvuf ve Tarîkatlar). 29th edition. Istanbul: Ensar Publication, 2019. 367 p. ISBN: 978-975-6794-30-2

Özet Görüntüleme: 103 / PDF İndirme: 0


  • Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury Assistant Professor Dr., Department of Basic Islamic Sciences (Sufism), Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Bartin University, Bartin, Türkiye


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sufism, Sufi History, Sufı Concepts, Sufi Institutions, Sufi Issues


The book has a preface, an introduction, and five main chapters.  In the introduction, the author aims to clarify contemporary perceptions of Sufism, mysticism, and the differences between mysticism and Sufism, thereby addressing any conceptual confusion the reader might have.  In the first chapter, the author examines the definition of Sufism, its characteristics, the etymology and meaning of the term ‘Sufi’, its sources, subject matter, objectives, and its relationship with other sciences.  The second chapter delves into the ranks of Sufis and the history of Sufism, categorised under the periods of Asceticism (zuhd), Sufism, and the Sufi Orders (tariqahs).  The third chapter provides a detailed analysis of Sufi concepts, while the fourth chapter thoroughly explores Sufi institutions (tariqahs).  In the fifth chapter, the author concludes the book by examining Sufi issues under two main headings: Issues in Sufi Thought and Issues in Practical Sufism.  The author has successfully systematised topics and independently addressed them in various Sufi books, consolidating them into a single volume.  In doing so, the author employs clear and straightforward language.  The topics are organised and divided into sections and headings, avoiding unnecessary details while thoroughly explaining the subject matter.  Comparisons are made based on the similarities and differences between concepts, aiming to clarify the subject in the reader’s mind.  Abstract ideas are made concrete through examples, enhancing understanding.  Quranic verses and Hadiths support the topics, and sufficient use is made of fundamental sources in the field.  Although there are instances of repetition, they are not prominent.  This book effectively fills a gap in the field and is a rare work offering comprehensive information.


Göktaş, Vahit, and Saeyd Rashed Hasan Chowdury. “An Evaluation of Mu’in al-Din Chishti’s Sufi Influences in the Indian Subcontinent: The Case of Chishti Tariqa.” Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 31 (2023): 47-76.

Chowdury, Saeyd Rashed Hasan, and Vahit Göktaş. “A Critical Analysis of Imam Rabbani Ahmad Sirhindi’s Doctrines on Sufism.” Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam 11, no. 1 (2021): 93-121.

Yılmaz, Hasan Kamil. Ana Hatlarıyla Tasavvuf ve Tarı̂katlar. 29th edition. İstanbul: Ensar Publication, 2019.

Yılmaz, Hasan Kamil. Tasavvuf ve Tarikatlar. İstanbul: Ensar Neşriyat, 2004.

Ek Dosyalar



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Chowdury, S. R. H. (2024). Prof. Dr. Hasan Kâmil Yılmaz. An Outline of Sufism and Sufi Orders (Ana Hatlarıyla Tasavvuf ve Tarîkatlar). 29th edition. Istanbul: Ensar Publication, 2019. 367 p. ISBN: 978-975-6794-30-2. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 11(2), 1–10.




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