Industry 4.0 and its Impact on Procurement in Supply Chain

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  • Waqas Noveen Karachi University Business School, Pakistan.



Industry 4.0, E-Procurement, Digital Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Internet of Things, Performance Management.


The forming of competitive innovation in the developed world that creates a new market and vanishes the obsolete ways of doing work to enhance productivity and ultimately established a market-leading firms, products & alliances that digitization is now known as industry 4.0. Yet this term is still unaware by many of the organizations & its impact on production & performance of the supply chain is still vague. More prominently this research paper addresses more prominently the effect of digitization on procurement and supply chain performance within Pakistan. In order to examine the phenomenon a qualitative research has been conduct. This has been examined that industry 4.0 has put a rigid impact & brought procurement & supply chain to the next level of maturity. This paper gives a brief contribution to understanding the digitization & supply chain.




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How to Cite

Waqas Noveen. (2020). Industry 4.0 and its Impact on Procurement in Supply Chain. International Journal of Social, Political and Economic Research, 7(1), 15–25.


