BBIN Connectivity, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal.Abstract
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, BBIN countries have signed a sub-regional Motor Vehicles Agreement (MVA) for smoothing easy cargo movement across their borders on June 15, 2015. It is likely to reduce trade transaction costs meaningfully and may be an operative tool to realise their trade and investment potentiality. In the attempt, it will create new economic opportunities, mainly in border areas and, through their joint effect will help to promote workable and inclusive development through engagement groups and increase in purchasing power. The BBIN MVA has put in space a respectable structure for smoothing transit and transport within four nations of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal. It has properly capitalized on the present political thump for sub-regional addition and rapidly placed on the table a framework that can provide a much-awaited push towards economic integration for the sub-region. This paper talked about how BBIN MVA Connectivity comes to the existence and history of this Sub-regional cooperation. Secondly, objective and purpose of signing BBIN sub-regional MVA agreement. Thirdly, what is the issues have been discussed and finally, the prospect and so far development of BBIN sub-regional cooperation.
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Jasim Mohammad Uddin, BBIN and Sub-Regional Connectivity, Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Jounal April-May 2015