Socio-Econoic & Political Status, Women, India.Abstract
One of the major problems of Indian society is the inferior position accorded to women. They do not enjoy equal status and their condition is far from satisfactory. In this article, we have tried to cover the condition, status and position of women in a different period, viz. Ancient, Medieval, British and Present Time. Any assessment of the status of women has to start with the social framework, social structures, cultural norms and value systems that influence social expectations regarding the behaviour of both men and women and determine women’s roles and their position in society. A society is composed of many institutions and most important of them are the system of decent, family and kinship, marriage and religious traditions. They provide the ideology and moral basis for men and women about their rights and duties and their status and role.
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Women in India: Status, Position and Condition of Women in India, On February 17, 2014, by Vikash Mehra
Status of Women in India during the British Period. your article library.
Changes in the Status of Indian Women during British Rule – Essay. Your Article Library.
Status of Women in India during the British Period Posted Date: 19 Aug 2011